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18 April 2023
ECOSA is getting ready for the 2023 survey season to ramp up with a range of up-to-date biosecurity measures. Our ecologists are mindful of the impacts their work can create if the necessary measures are not taken and so they have arranged a suite of procedures and equipment to rule out the spread of invasive organisms and cross-contamination between survey sites.
During the survey season, ECOSA undertakes a large number of ecological surveys which require our ecologists to access a wide range of habitat and species types across various different parts of the country. Surveys may result in us encountering non-native invasive plant species such as Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed and New Zealand pigmyweed. Disease transmission must also be taken into consideration when working in locations where badgers and white-clawed crayfish may be present. It is our responsibility to ensure that we do not transfer species or diseases from one location to another and ECOSA is taking all the measures it can to ensure this is the case.
All of our equipment is cleaned at our office base with DEFRA approved disinfectants in-between site visits and left to air-dry as some species can live for many days in moist conditions. All our ecologists also conduct high levels of personal biosecurity by making use of bespoke cleaning equipment to keep boots, clothing and vehicles clean before moving between survey sites. As a team, we are constantly looking for ways we can tighten our biosecurity procedures, come up with innovative ideas and utilise new equipment that will help make maintaining the barriers between sites more efficient.
Biosecurity is something that ECOSA is taking very seriously as part of our survey work. If you need ecological advice or require ecological survey work for your development, the ECOSA team is here to help. Get in touch on 02380 261065 or email