Large-scale developments and those affecting protected sites usually require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be conducted, including an Ecology Chapter or Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA). ECOSA provide a complete service to ensure you meet all your obligations regarding ecology and secure necessary consents.
Ensuring that all ecological responsibilities are suitably discharged, our service includes:
ECOSA’s team are highly experienced in successfully preparing the Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) chapters for formal Environmental Statements and other ecological assessments. We identify and evaluate the impacts on habitats and species within a project's 'zone of influence'.
Where needed, we devise an appropriate mitigation strategy aimed at minimising negative impacts and maximising positive outcomes through the project design process. We work closely with the project team to provide practical and innovative solutions to potential ecological constraints.
Early assessment of potential ecological impacts minimises the effect on both project timescales and budgets. Please refer to our survey timetable which illustrates when in the year vegetation and protected species surveys can be conducted.
ECOSA follow EcIA guidelines developed by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). The preparation of our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) biodiversity chapters involves, as a minimum:
Please call 02380 261065 to discuss the scope of your project and the level of ecological impact assessment works which might be required; or email