Protected species and their habitats have potential to be impacted by a range of development activities. We will collaborate with you throughout the planning process to meet your obligations in respect of ecology, and secure the necessary consents and any protected species licences that may be required.
The starting point for many development projects is to carry out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal for an overview of baseline ecological conditions on-site.
National Vegetation Classification (NVC), Hedgerow and River Corridor surveys. We map habitats accurately using GIS (Geographic Information System).
Surveys are often seasonal. It is best to get advice at the beginning of your project and avoid unnecessary delays to your planning application.
All birds, their nests, eggs and young are legally protected. We carry out breeding and wintering bird surveys, and intertidal surveys for waders and wildfowl.
Proposing a large-scale development? Our ecologists are experienced in identifying and evaluating the potential impacts on habitats and species.
Competent authorities have a legal obligation to consider the impacts of any proposals likely to have an adverse effect on a European designated site.