Planning authorities will expect to see a report from a qualified ecologist accompanying any planning application where the characteristics of the site and its surrounds suggest suitable habitat for any European Protected Species (EPS).
As a rough guide, any of the following would indicate a requirement for a complete assessment for one or more species:
This information is based on guidance from Natural England to authorities making decisions on planning applications.
For the majority of projects a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is the first step in the process, to identify any direct evidence of protected species and any habitat suitable to support protected species on site, and whether any further protected species surveys or vegetation surveys are required.
Many ecological surveys are subject to survey season timing constraints. We highly recommend you speak to a qualified ecologist on 02380 261065 to discuss the specifics of your project; or contact us at
Maps, aerial and other photographs assist greatly with initial advice on which surveys will be required. You can also request a quote for an initial site assessment online.