ECOSA has served a varied client base for many years with relevant and effective ecological advice. We are proud of our long-standing client relationships and are continually committed to providing a high quality and competitive service.
Here are some testimonials from some of our clients.
"Thanks for turning this around so quickly. We look forward to working with you on future projects!"
Emily Johnson - Architectural Designer, AR Design Studio
"The staff at ECOSA are always extremely helpful and professional. They provide pragmatic solutions and are always happy to provide advice to our teams. They are currently working with us to provide a way forward on re-roofing one of our larger buildings which has a bat maternity roost.
ECOSA delivered a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) session about ecology and the planning process to council staff. The information relayed during the presentation was so useful that we have arranged for a second session and extended the invitation to other departments within Surrey County Council."
Geoff Eldridge - Building Services Manager, Surrey County Council
"Speed of response was critical and ECOSA delivered the needed report on time." - Home owner
"It's good to know with ECOSA that you have the in-house expertise to cover all ecology issues, not just bats." - Architectural practice and repeat customer
"Excellent service. Many thanks." - Architect
"ECOSA have contributed to the continued growth of Churchill Retirement Living, providing sound ecological advice to our team of town planners and architects throughout the planning process, and carrying out robust ecological surveys and protected species mitigation works in support of our developments across the UK.
The ECOSA project managers are responsive and understand our commercial needs, and we have found that they are always on hand to ensure our developments comply with relevant legislation."
Chris Geddes - Associate Director, Planning Issues Limited
"ECOSA Ltd. has provided ecological support to Portsmouth Water since 1999, completing Phase 1 ecological surveys, Phase 2 protected species surveys, and ecological clearance work where needed in advance of construction.
We have always found the ECOSA team to be professional, helpful and responsive. The project managers always make an effort to understand your needs and propose pragmatic solutions, while providing good sound advice to ensure compliance with environmental legislation.
Recent projects completed have included the successful relocation of a badger sett from an operational site, Phase 2 bat surveys to investigate the status of bat roosts in operational buildings, and advice on habitat management improvements that can be made at our sites to inform the company biodiversity strategy."
Tracey Viney - Environment and Biodiversity Specialist, Portsmouth Water
"ECOSA have worked closely with us on a variety of commercial and housing development projects. We have always found their staff to be helpful, providing relevant advice on ecological matters in relation to planning, and carrying out all necessary survey works in a professional manner.
Thank you for consistently providing a high level of service and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the future."
Judith Gannon - Managing Director of Abbey Manor Developments Limited, Somerset